The largest amount of phylloquinone is found in chloroplasts, which are found in the cells of green plants. Vegetables synthesize the vitamin through their photochemical function. At the same time, the amount of the nutrient depends on the amount of chlorophyll. The largest amount of vitamin K is found in tea leaves, broccoli, leafy vegetables, green tomatoes, cabbage, the smallest is in root vegetables and fruits (bananas, kiwi, avocado). K2, unlike K1, is present in products of animal origin. eggs, fish oil, liver.
In the course of research, scientists discovered that plant cells in vegetables, which are rich in phylloquinone, release part of the nutrient during cooking, which leads to an increase in the amount of K1 in food. Based on laboratory data, the researchers concluded that cooking foods does not affect the level of vitamin K in them. Industrial processing of vegetables and fruits (for example, into juices), on the contrary, reduces the vitamin K content by 50 - 90%. As a result, the final product is of no value to the human body.
Herbal decoctions replenish reserves of phylloquinone and menanquinone well. linden, rosehip, nettle, birch leaves, shepherd's purse, raspberry. Vitamin K is well preserved after heat treatment of products; as a rule, the loss of the beneficial compound when exposed to high temperatures does not exceed 5%; when frozen, it reaches 30%.
Effervescent alcoholic drinks, flavorings, dyes, and preservatives prevent the complete absorption of phylloquinone and menanquinone. For normal absorption of the compound, you need to ensure a systematic supply of healthy fats and exclude deep-fried foods from your daily diet. Phylloquinone and menaquinone in cosmetics. Buy antacid medicine, maintaining stable viscosity and blood circulation, strengthens the inner wall of small vessels and normalizes the condition of surface capillaries. In view of this, the nutrient (phytonadione) is used as a cosmetic ingredient in the creation of skin care products. Indications for the use of vitamin cosmetics.
Bionic Eye Cream (NeoStrata) � eye cream based on phytonadione and gluconolactone. The composition is used as an anti-age agent to eliminate swelling and dark circles under the eyes. Vitamin K Cream (Reviva Labs) is a fortified composition for facial skin that is prone to take antacid pills. Evening Primrose Eye Cream (Korres) is a night cream for eyelid skin care containing vitamin K and evening primrose oil. Amazing Cream (Aroma Naturals) is a multifunctional organic face cream with vitamin K, cocoa butter and medicinal plant extracts. Despite the fact that these products are intended for local use, the compositions can be used for daily care of problem and aging skin. Vitamin K for poisoning dogs.